Summary: Pakistan’s foreign policy is undergoing a revamp to align with the changing dynamics of the emerging regional order. This article explores the impact, consequences, and...
The Pandemic originating from Wuhan China has enveloped the whole world and the catastrophe caused by covid-19 is beyond speculation. Schools, Colleges, Universities and business are...
The radicalized right-wing politics during the Trump Administration is responsible for creating severe unrest in the US, and subsequently, in the global community. There is a...
Oil prices have hit zero. Yes, oil was “sold” this week with producers only asking buyers to pay for transporting it to its final destination. This...
Crises come in two variants: those for which we could not have prepared, because no one had anticipated them, and those for which we should have...
Kandhkot: Owing to complete lockdown, people of Sindh are limited at their houses due to which daily wage earners and labourers’ are worst affected however there...
Coronavirus Pandemic has brought catastrophe in the world impacting all the industries and has caused economic slowdown throughout the world in all the major continents who...