In a significant move, the US Justice Department, along with fifteen states and the District of Columbia, has filed a lawsuit against tech giant Apple, accusing...
Introduction In a significant development in the tech industry, Microsoft has made a strategic move by hiring DeepMind co-founder, Mustafa Suleyman, to lead its consumer AI...
Introduction Gaza, a territory beset by persistent tensions and humanitarian crises, stands at the centre of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As hunger levels rise, a UN study...
Introduction The recent 2024 Russian elections saw Vladimir Putin secure another term as President, marking his fourth consecutive term in office. This victory has sparked a...
Introduction McDonald’s, the global fast-food giant, has recently unveiled its highly anticipated new food menu for Easter 2024. This move comes as part of the company’s...
The battle over TikTok has raged for months as the United States government has grown increasingly concerned about the potential security risks posed by the popular...
Introduction The recent market surrender to the Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy represents a dramatic change in investor sentiment in the ever-evolving world of finance. Following...